...so I did a video blog today AND I HAVE A BYLINE!!!

Okay so i'm very excited to announce that I have my first byline on NME.COM.

I was asked yesterday to have a gander online for some new music videos that could contribute to a blog - little did I know that this morning I would be writing and uploading this blog myself!

For the non-journos of you reading this, a byline is basically your name on a piece of published work...and to get one on NME is a pretty big thing for me, so i'm well happy!

Please, please, please go take a look at it now and leave lots of lovely comments about how amazing the post is (even if you don't like it...I actually think the video choices are pretty good, but then I chose them). READ IT HERE NOW and I will be eternally grateful!

This afternoon then consisted mainly of captioning photos of The Clash and Sid & Nancy - which should be up tomorrow, so I shall put the link up then.

I also got an email from the uber-cool David Moynihan (NME.COM's editor) asking if we could have a meeting tomorrow as it's my last day, to go over any questions etc I have.

Then, before I left the office I had a lovely 'pre-meeting' chat with him. Apparantly I've impressed him and his team and he'd like to discuss how he can help me with writing opportunities and where I can go from here...or something along those lines. I'm very scared but very excited, I just hope I get the opportunity to go back soon for more work experience!

It's my last day tomorrow - this saddens me :(

Over and out.